Kay Kinghammer's Kickstarter Campaign

You have the opportunity to make a big impact on the trajectory of an emerging poet. Kay Kinghammer writes with me every Friday morning as part of the Seattle Daylight Writers group. For a full year now, her easy talent, clever lines and prolific output astounded and captivated me. I was sick to death of poetry, then I heard Kay read and suddenly I understood once more the power and pull  of metered prose.

Kay has been invited to debut her book of poetry at the Fermoy International Poetry Festival in Ireland. This is an amazing honor! However, with a fixed income, there is no possible way she can afford the ticket. This is where we come in. Please back her Kickstarter project and help her get to Ireland. Not only will you be racking up karma points, but you'll be patron of poetry, your support bringing more empathetic art into the world.

I back Kay's Kickstarter campaign. Please join me.

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