In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a second chance.


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about a second chance.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

What the heck is this? Based on the response to my six word challenges on twitter, I decided to move the prompts to my blog so that you may all enjoy the responses. Hemingway was the first to write a six word story, though the truth of that is up for debate.


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10 years ago

She wrote "Plan B" on ticket.

Gudrod Hanson (@gudrodhanson)

10 years ago

He found his old black book.

Gudrod Hanson (@gudrodhanson)

10 years ago

"You found my cell phone from college?"


10 years ago

I am introvert. Hear me roar.


10 years ago


"You're forgiven. Come to bed."

Jeffrey Smith

10 years ago

This is all far from over.

B. Mitchell Cator

10 years ago

Garage sale. Slightly used gym equipment.

dani Stockham

10 years ago

Broken neck. Temporarily paralyzed. Surgically saved.


10 years ago

Disinterred myself and lo! I breathed!

Ray Sanders PFL (@anotherMadMan)

10 years ago

Stupidity. Divorce. Re-uniting after forty years.

Carrie Aulenbacher

10 years ago

She took my hand, smiling. Again.


10 years ago

The car just missed the pole

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