
In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your life after gaining superpowers


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your life after gaining superpowers.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

What the heck is this? Based on the response to my six word challenges on twitter, I decided to move the prompts to my blog so that you may all enjoy the responses. Hemingway was the first to write a six word story, though the truth of that is up for debate.


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about brothers.



In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about brothers.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

What the heck is this? Based on the response to my six word challenges on twitter, I decided to move the prompts to my blog so that you may all enjoy the responses. Hemingway was the first to write a six word story, though the truth of that is up for debate.


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an experiment. (#6words kickoff!)

Many of you answer my six word story challenge prompts on Twitter. Your creative responses have given me great pleasure. Some stories turned out shockingly insightful, others made me laugh out loud. However, I often hear from followers that you wish you could see all the responses. Let's try an experiment to make that easier.

I will post the six word challenge here on my blog. Please leave your story in the comments below. Let's see how this goes! First prompt....


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an experiment.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

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